Welcome to Amputation Prevention Centers of America
Both diabetes and poor circulation can lead to problems that result in foot problems including development of a foot ulcer that does not heal. An open sore can appear on the heel, the top, the side or the bottom of the foot. You might not even have an open sore, but could have other signs of a problem, such as black toe(s), or even a red, swollen area.
If you have a non-healing wound anywhere on your body, you need to seek treatment right away, and many hospitals have wound care clinics that can help. However, patients with diabetes and/or poor circulation are at even greater risk for serious complications from a foot ulcer or foot infection. Some patients with diabetes develop numbness in their feet and can develop sores from not wearing the right shoes, or may even step on nails or other objects and not know it. It is very important that patients with lack of feeling in their feet, diabetes or poor circulation check their feet every day. If you do notice an open sore, a red area or a black area, you need to get help right away. Getting the specialized treatment at an Amputation Prevention Center® (APC) is the best option.
The Amputation Prevention Centers of America® is a network of outpatient clinics in select hospitals around the U.S. that are dedicated to treating patients (the majority of whom have diabetes) with chronic, non-healing wounds and other problems that could lead to amputation. The doctors and nurses are experts in this care, and will not only give you the best chance at healing your wound, but will teach you how to prevent these problems from occurring again. If you have any of the problems described, you should call the number directly or ask your doctor about a referral to an Amputation Prevention Center®.
Contact us today and make your health and mobility a priority.

Click here to find an Amputation Prevention Center or Comprehensive Wound Center near you.
Partners manage our centers with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring patients get exactly what they need to lead lives with less pain and discomfort.
In our centers, providers utilize intensive, cutting-edge healing methods to encourage patient progress and positive outcomes.