Diabetes alone and in combination with high blood pressure and high cholesterol causes damage to the lining of the arteries. The large arteries become narrowed or completely obstructed. This reduces circulation to the legs and feet. The walls of the small arteries and capillaries become thickened so oxygen does not cross the wall as easily. This is called peripheral artery disease, or peripheral arterial disease.
Peripheral Artery Disease
While peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects the stomach, arms and head, is most commonly affects arteries in the legs. If you’re at risk for peripheral artery disease or have been diagnosed with PAD, contact your doctor right away. PAD can easily be managed with lifestyle changes, medication and following your doctor’s recommendations.
If you have PAD and blood flow is reduced enough, gangrene can occur. Gangrene is black dead tissue and is either dry or wet. Wet gangrene is infected and requires emergency treatment. Gangrenous tissue cannot be healed, but the surrounding areas might be saved.
Contact the Amputation Prevention Centers of America today if you have any questions about PAD.