After Foot Amputation — What’s Next?

Foot Amputation

A foot amputation can be a scary procedure to face. But, completing a successful operation is your surgeon’s job. Your work begins after the procedure.

Knowing what to expect after a foot amputation can help you toward a speedy, healthy recovery. Your hospital staff will give you medications to alleviate pain and fight infection, but you need to know more. Here’s what you can anticipate:

In the hospital after your foot amputation

After moving to your hospital room post-recovery, nurses will change your bandages and will teach you to do so, as well. You will also start the early stages of physical therapy with stretching and some gentle exercises.

Perhaps, most importantly, you will receive information and guidance about your prosthetic foot (if you’re choosing to get one).

At home 

If your healing progresses well in the hospital, you’ll likely go home after a few days. Once there, be sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions about bathing, activity level, and physical therapy to ensure your best recovery.

Physical therapy starts with gentle stretching and will progress to exercises that will improve your muscle control, enable you to resume daily activities, and help you regain independence. It will also include practice with your prosthetic or assistive devices.

Only take pain medications prescribed by your doctor. Even taking an aspirin can increase your bleeding risk.

If you experience swelling, redness, bleeding, worsening pain, numbness, or tingling, contact your surgeon immediately. These symptoms could be normal, but they could also indicate a need for immediate attention.

Inpatient rehabilitation

If you have additional health problems or you’re not recovering your mobility quickly, your doctor might recommend an inpatient rehabilitation facility.

Healthcare providers will focus on wound healing, rebuilding your strength, preparing your leg for the prosthetic, and improving your mobility. They will also teach you how to care for your new prosthetic.

Ongoing rehabilitation

Prosthetics: If you opt for an artificial foot, you’ll need to be fitted properly, learn how to care for it, and how to walk.

It’s possible your leg will still be swollen when you get fitted for your first prosthetic. If so, you’ll receive a temporary one, getting the permanent one within six to 12 months.

Mental health: Losing a limb can be emotionally traumatic. You can develop feelings of depression, anxiety, grief, denial, and suicide. If you feel any of these emotions, contact your doctor immediately. Your care team has support resources.


Even successful surgeries carry risks. Blood clots and infections can occur with amputations. If left untreated, these problems can cause nerve pain, phantom pain (pain felt in a removed limb), and bone spurs at the end of your leg.

Contact your surgeon if you experience any complications. While it might be possible to correct the problem with medication, there’s a chance you could need additional surgery.

Ultimately, going into your amputation surgery with a clear understanding of what your next steps will be could put you on a path to a quicker, healthier recovery. If you know what to expect, you can be better prepared.

If you have any questions about a foot amputation, contact the Amputation Prevention Centers of America.

How Oxygen Therapy Works | HBO Therapy

HBO Therapy
If you have a foot ulcer or leg wound that is linked to diabetes, you likely know how long these sores can linger. And, the longer they take to heal, the more vulnerable you are to infection and other risks. Speeding up the healing process is better for your health all around.

That’s where hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy comes in. Research and clinical experiences show this therapy can reduce the presence of certain non-healing wounds. It can also speed up how quickly they improve. The key is increasing the amount of oxygen that reaches injured tissue.

How is HBO Therapy performed?

HBO therapy exposes patients to 100 percent oxygen inside a pressurized chamber that has up to three times the air pressure of our everyday environment. During the session, the lungs are able to take in more oxygen than they usually can, funneling it into the blood stream. That’s critical because more oxygen equals more healing.

What does oxygen do?

Your body’s tissues need oxygen to function properly, and they also need it to fix any problems, such as wounds or sores. During HBO therapy, oxygen dissolves into the body’s fluids, including blood, plasma, and central nervous system fluids. The oxygen can easily be transported through the circulatory system. Once it reaches a foot ulcer or leg wound, oxygen increases the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria.  It also helps to fight infection, and reduce swelling. Additionally, it helps the body grow new blood vessels that will continue to help oxygen reach injured tissue.

How good are the results?

Recent clinical trials show HBOT can be an effective tool in improving the condition of long-lasting foot ulcers or leg wounds. The Journal of Anesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology conducted a study that followed 30 individuals with chronic non-healing wounds for 30 days. The participants treated with HBO therapy saw a 59% reduction in wound area. Patients treated with more conventional therapies only saw a 26% improvement.

Other studies also showed HBO therapy can improve the condition of these wounds. An additional 12 randomized trials involving 577 people, many of whom reported having diabetic foot ulcers, showed positive results. Based on the study outcomes, patients who received HBO therapy saw foot ulcer improvement at six weeks. HBO also reduced the size of leg vein wounds.

Contact the Amputation Prevention Centers of America if you have any questions regarding HBO therapy.

What’s Behind that Non-Healing Wound? | Living with Diabetes

non-healing wound

A non-healing wound that lingers can be annoying, but it should also be cause for great concern — especially if you have diabetes or are in the early steps of developing the disease. Chronic non-healing wounds, especially those that won’t heal within three months, can impact you more frequently and more significantly.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, chronic wounds affect approximately 5.7 million adults, leading to nearly $20 billion in medical care costs. Knowing why these long-lasting sores develop can not only improve your health, but it could also reduce your medical expenses.

How Diabetes Puts You at Risk with a Non-Healing Wound

Diabetes does increase the likelihood that you’ll develop a chronic wound at some point. These sores frequently start small, such as a small pimple or scratch. However, even after repeatedly scabbing over, they won’t heal. If you notice this type of wound, contact your doctor for medical attention immediately.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are three factors that increase your risk for developing a chronic wound:

  1. Neuropathy: Having limited feeling in your feet makes it harder to notice any small cuts or trauma to your feet. This increases your infection risk and can lead to a chronic wound.
  2. Poor blood flow: Poor circulation limits how well your blood can bring the cells to your wound that can increase your likelihood of healing.
  3. Infection: With diabetes, it’s harder for you to fight off infection. If your wound becomes infected, it could progressively worsen, putting you at risk for amputation.


Reducing Your Risk with Non-Healing Wounds

Although having diabetes makes you more vulnerable to chronic wounds, you can take steps to decrease your chances or bolster your healing abilities.

  • Proper footwear: Choose properly-fitted shoes that won’t create sores on your feet. Avoid pointed-toe shoes or ones that are too flat or high heels because they make it harder to distribute your foot pressure. Soft insole leather, canvas, or suede shoes will let your feet breathe, and laces, buckles, or Velcro will make adjusting shoes easier.
  • Manicure your toenails: Be sure to keep your toenails cut short. Longer nails put you at risk for scratches you might not be able to feel. Visit a podiatrist for foot care.
  • Control your blood sugar level: Actively monitor your glucose. If you’re pre-diabetic, make healthy food choices and exercise to control your weight and blood sugar levels. Your doctor could conduct an A1C test, measuring the percent of blood sugar attached to your red blood cells, to determine your blood sugar level over the past 2-3 months.
  • Eat well: Stay hydrated, and eat complex carbohydrates that help control your blood sugar, such as whole grains and vegetables. Also, be sure to eat enough protein because it supports new cell and tissue growth needed for wound healing. Chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, yogurt, peanut butter, and cheese are good options. Limiting your fat intake can also improve your immune system.

Ultimately, you need to take a chronic wound seriously. Don’t delay treatment — see your doctor or contact the Amputation Prevention Centers of America as soon as you notice a non-healing wound or sore.


What are diabetic foot ulcers?

Often people ask me, “What are diabetic foot ulcers and why are they so harmful?” So I am here to help you understand what they are, why they occur, and why they can be dangerous.

What is a diabetic foot ulcer?

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore on your foot that fails to heal. They often occur on the bottom of your feet but can occur anywhere skin or tissue breaks down or is cut open.

Why do diabetic foot ulcers occur?

Normally, if you injure your foot, you feel pain that alerts you to the injury. You then take steps to treat it: clean the wound, apply a bandage and perhaps ointment, and replace poor fitting shoes if that is the underlying problem. Your body continues the healing process and your foot heals well.

But when you have diabetes, your natural healing process and pain reflexes can be disrupted. If you develop poor circulation in your legs and feet (peripheral arterial disease or PAD), have high blood sugar, or both, healing slows down.

If you have nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy), your feet may feel numb. Or you may have no feeling at all. In either case, the injury may be painless. When that happens, blisters, cuts, and sores can go unnoticed. That’s when serious problems can begin.

Why are diabetic foot ulcers so harmful to me?

Diabetic foot ulcers can be downright dangerous. They are the leading cause of amputation and hospitalization when you have diabetes.

If infection spreads throughout your body, or severe ligament, muscle, and bone damage occurs, amputation may be necessary. In less severe cases, you may need surgery to remove tissue that has died.

In the best circumstances, it takes weeks to several months for a diabetic foot ulcer to heal.

Having diabetes puts you a much greater risk for a foot ulcer. Once you have had one, you are more likely to develop another.

What can I do to prevent them if I have diabetes?

Although preventing a diabetic foot ulcer is not always possible, you can take steps to reduce your risk.

Here are my 6 basic rules to help prevent diabetic foot ulcers:

  1. Keep your blood sugar at your target level throughout the day.
  2. Practice daily foot care. Wash, thoroughly dry, moisturize (except between toes), and carefully inspect your feet every day. Use a mirror or helper if needed.
  3. Eat a healthy diet as advised by your doctor and dietician.
  4. Keep your toenails trimmed, cutting straight across.
  5. Have a podiatrist remove corns and calluses.
  6. Always wear well-fitting shoes and clean, dry socks indoors and out.

Most important, talk to your doctor right away if you have any foot sore or foot problem that does not heal promptly. Report any breaks in your skin and any changes in the feeling, shape, or color of your feet.

Early treatment is key to preventing infections and serious complications. Contact the Amputation Prevention Center of America for more information.